Cybersecurity Services

Cybersecurity services for your business needs

Secure Code Review

Code review is a software quality assurance activity in which one or several people check a program mainly by viewing and reading parts of its source code, and they do so after implementation or as an interruption of implementation. Code review aims to identify security flaws in the application related to its features and design, along with the exact root causes.
It is the process of auditing the source code of an application to verify that the proper security and logical controls are present, that they work as intended, and that they have been invoked in the right places. Secure code review allows a company to assure application developers are following secure development techniques.
All security code reviews are a combination of human effort and technology support. Tools can be used to perform this task but they always need human verification. Human reviewers are also necessary to fill in for the significant blind spots, which automated tools, simply cannot check.

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Our Approach


Code Review Preparation

Define the client’s objective and requirements
Define the scope


Code Review Discovery and Gathering Information

Gathering all the necessary information about the code sources in the scope


Automatic Static Code Analysis

Using different tools to scan and discover potential vulnerabilities


Manual Static Code Analysis

Using custom scripts to find vulnerable sources and channels


Vulnerability Confirmation

False positive triage



Include full details of vulnerabilities with associated risk and remediation recommendations